An asset is deemed reliable when it delivers its engineered value consistently for a determined length of time and required outages for maintenance are managed proactively. But if the guardians of these assets are not capable of anticipating failures, then proactive outages become reactive firefighting campaigns. Therefore, organizations must pursue a strategy that includes training personnel in all facets of asset condition management.
Preview all courses & content!Conscious Reliability®
Reliability Centred Maintenance Essentials (RCME1) is a complete introduction to RCM. Instructor, Jesus Sifonte covers how organizations can add value with RCM, when & where organizations should implement RCM on their critical assets, and where it shouldn’t be used to save resources.
Read More...Advanced Infrared Resources
Mr. Wayne Ruddock began his career in infrared thermopgraphy in 1978. He is a seasoned veteran of hands on infrared inspections giving him the ability to teach real life thermography rather than just expounding theoretical principles.
Read More...SDT Ultrasound
Machinery lubrication remains the single biggest factor in affecting and prolonging asset reliability. Getting it right contributes to a long, trouble-free service life. But get it wrong, as so many do, and expect unplanned breakdowns, reactive firefighting, drained resources, and a culture of unreliability.
Read More...Trailwalk Holdings
Maintenance departments always have a lot on their plate. Especially when they are running around in reactive mode, fighting fires. When a maintenance team is stuck in reactive mode, there is never time to learn about or do the little things necessary to make a reliability program world-class. In this course, Peter covers 6 inexpensive, easy battles which maintenance teams can win to help move the reliability needle in the right direction.
Read More...SDT Ultrasound
Machinery lubrication remains the single biggest factor in affecting and prolonging asset reliability. Getting it right contributes to a long, trouble-free service life. But get it wrong, as so many do, and expect unplanned breakdowns, reactive firefighting, drained resources, and a culture of unreliability.
Read More...SDT Ultrasound
There exists an intricate connection among the component structures of every world-class reliability program. That connectivity manifests at the departmental level, throughout operations, production, maintenance, and of course at the executive level, where it all begins.
Read More...SDT Ultrasound Solutions
The Foundational Knowledge domain lays the footings for understanding ultrasound and its significant role as the first line of defense against unplanned downtime, energy waste, and unsustainable practices.
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The Applications Knowledge domain connects the dots between foundational knowledge and how condition monitoring technicians use ultrasound to advance reliability of their assets while creating a winning culture.
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This Foundational overview lays the footings for understanding vibration and its significant role as the defense strategy against unplanned downtime, energy waste, and unsustainable practices.
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The Practical Knowledge domain ties foundational and applications to the actual hardware and software technicians use every day in-the-field. Putting knowledge into practice engages and empowers inspectors with the skills they need to apply ultrasound solutions in the field and office.
Read More...Conscious Reliability®
Conscious Reliability® is a specialist training service provider focused on reliability of physical assets. We represent the merger of two leading specialist firms, CMMI of Puerto Rico, USA and Conscious Asset of Canada, and their lead consultants, Jesus Sifonte and James Reyes-Picknell.
Read More...SDT Ultrasound Solutions
Over their 47 year history SDT Ultrasound Solutions has made it their priority to listen to the needs of their customers and to develop useful solutions in concert with real industry demands. Their journey began in 1975 when, victim of the oil crisis, SDT founder Joseph-Henri DEGRAEVE launched his ultrasound adventure.
Read More...AME Systems is a dynamic web-based learning system that aligns with our mission to make high-quality training and education accessible and affordable. Democratizing this exchange of knowledge levels the playing field by bringing world-renowned expert trainers right to your desktop, tablet, or mobile device. We will deliver on our promise to bring streaming content to corporate teams or individuals interested in mastering the many disciplines of asset management.
It is not uncommon to associate asset management tasks with the work performed by the maintenance department and there is nothing wrong with that. But if we only think in terms of what the maintenance team brings to the table, then there is a 100% certainty that one day our assets will not deliver their expected value when called upon. Therefore asset stakeholders must view the management of their assets in a more inclusive sense.
The International Standards Organization (ISO) published a guide to asset management (ISO 55000) in which asset management is described as a set of collaborative, coordinated tasks that span the entire live cycle of the asset. These tasks do not belong to just the maintenance department; or just the purchasing department, or just the procurement team. They belong to everyone with a stake in the successful operation of the organization from the receptionist all the way up to the CEO.
Are you on that list? Then AME Systems is for you.